Sunday, October 07, 2012

Editing with SlideRocket: Open Workshop

There are several classes across the University of Montevallo community this fall that are doing some kind of video project.  For example, students in SOC 240 Social Problems are investigating several issues, like quality of fast food and bad driving, while students in COMS 102 are filming themselves as they deliver a "big ideas" talk in the vein of TED Talks.

Making great videos is like any other form of composition.  The process requires you to think about how you want to structure your evidence, how you can reach an audience, and how you will choose to present information.  It's good to get as much practice with principles of editing as possible, no matter which software or platform you end up using.

This Tuesday evening, October 9 at 7:00 PM, the Carmichael Library will be hosting a video editing workshop in the EBSCO Classroom on the ground floor.  The workshop is open to anyone who is interested in video production.  Mike Price of the Digital Media Lab will be featuring ways to develop content and make dynamic videos with SlideRocket.  Some classes have been invited to use SlideRocket, while others may plan to use different editing software.

You are welcome to bring your own computer, or you can use the computers we have in the lab.  Regardless of what kind of video you plan to make, you will learn something in this workshop.  We hope to see you there.

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